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The Power of the Tongue

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21 DO YOU KNOW THAT YOUR FUTURE IS AT THE MERCY OF YOUR WORDS? As children of God the bible calls us kings and priests (Rev 1:6). The words of a king carry power and your life follows the words that you speak.


No matter how dry and stubborn that situation may seem, it will bow to the declarations from your mouth. Prophetic declaration is a very potent medium of change from one glory to another for those who care to use it. With your mouth, you can change situations. So determine your future by speaking what you want to see.


As long as your mouth is in place, that situation is not hopeless; it can change. Your duty is to speak to that situation and change it. Your mouth can bring you breakthroughs and your mouth can also assassinate your breakthroughs. What you confess, you possess!!

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