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Living A Purposeful Life

Life is a journey. We are all traveling inevitably towards the end of our lives. We will either coast through life with no sense of direction or we will live lives of purpose and fulfillment. The race is on. Where are you going and what are you doing about it?

What’s Driving You?
Everyone’s life is driven by something – money, family, career, business, guilt, worry or fear, insecurity, anger, resentment, their past, possessions, etc. however, God wants us to be driven by His plan, His purpose for our lives. That’s where meaning and significance come.

Before God even planned the world, He planned you. When He planned you, He planned your purpose even before you were born. When you fulfil your life purpose it brings honour to God and it brings satisfaction to yourself.

Jesus was a purpose-driven person. He said in John 17:4 ‘I have brought You glory on earth by completing the work You gave me to do.’ If you’re a believer, you want to bring glory to God. How do you do that? You do that by completing the work God gave you to do. [Eph.1:5-11; 3:11. Rom.8:28. 2 Tim.1:9. Prov.29:18]

Levels of Living
You will live life at one of three basic levels:

  • Survival. The first level, the lowest level is the survival level. A lot of people live in survival mode. They get by in life. They’re not really living, they’re just existing. They put in their time, punch the time clock, and live for the weekends. They never really have any major goals or major drive in life.
  • Success. Most people are on the second level, a little higher level called the success level. The focus is on paying off the mortgage or establishing a comfortable lifestyle. Yet this level does not satisfy.
  • Significance. Significance is when you know why you’re here on earth. You have a purpose for your life. You know that your life matters. You know that there is the meaning behind what’s going on in your life. People who enjoy significance know what on earth they’re here for!

It’s vital that we move from success to significance.

Purposeful Living can help you to:

Discover WHO God has uniquely shaped you to be.

  • Constructing a timeline will help you see God’s shaping hand in your life more clearly.
  • Define your core values (assumptions and convictions that guide your behaviour and decisions) through reflection, prayers, and conversations.

Gain greater clarity about WHY you are here.

  • Reflecting on Scripture and conversations with others will lead you to a Holy Spirit shaped understanding of your purpose.
  • This understanding will take shape as you write your biblical purpose statement. While God’s purposes for disciples of Jesus Christ apply to all of God’s people, the shape and texture of God’s purpose is unique for each person.

Discern WHAT God is preparing for you to be and do.

  • You will also create a statement that captures God’s motivating vision for your life.
  • God has used the people, events, and circumstances in your life to form your core values; you’ll see how those people, events, and circumstances can also serve as guideposts to your future.

Express HOW you understand and live out your calling as a disciple of Jesus.

  • Further prayer and conversation will guide you in writing a personal calling statement. Your personal calling is lived out through opportunities God gives you throughout your life.
  • Purposeful Living helps you see the connection between your calling and these opportunities.

Be intentional in your commitment to grow, develop, and serve as the person God designed you to be. Through coaching, other one-to-one relationships, and networks of peers you will grow in your understanding of the life and ministry God is shaping for you and gain the ability to live, grow, and minister more intentionally. You will be clearer about how you can best continue to grow and who might be good companions on your journey.

The Benefits of a Purpose-Driven Life

  • It Reduces Frustration. A sense of purpose makes daily decisions easier.
  • It Increases Motivation. A sense of purpose gives you a reason to get up in the morning.
  • It Creates Concentration. A sense of purpose enables you to focus and avoid distractions.
  • It Attracts Co-operation. A sense of purpose attracts other people to your life to help and get involved.
  • It Prepares you for Evaluation. A sense of purpose prepares you for the eternal ‘audit’ when God will ask each person two important questions:
    ‘What did you do with My Son, Jesus Christ?’
    ‘What did you do with all the talents that I gave you? Your life, your opportunity, your time, your energy? Did you just spend it on yourself or did you use it for the purpose on earth I created you? What did you do with what I gave you?’

Run Your Race – Balance your life, Pace your life and Renew yourself daily (deal with discouragement).

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